In this article we go over the Back to School Season and what you can do to make sure your family is successful in adapting to stress and changes during this exciting time!
WHO needs the Back to School Chiropractic Visit?
✅ All Kids
✅ Mommas
✅ Dads
✅ School Administration
WHY do they need it?
🧠 Helps better adapt to the millions of changes they’re about to experience within a single day
📈 Keeps their nervous system communicating optimally to improve immune function (less sickness, more healing)
⚖️ Helps emotional, social, cognitive & developmental regulation.
🧬 Promotes appropriate hormonal regulation (sleep, hunger, energy, anxiety, etc)
ALL Kids
Yes, all of the kids of all of the ages should be checked by a pediatric chiropractor. Their entire world is about to be rocked with a huge change: going back to school. They’ll meet new teachers, have a new classroom, sit with different kids than they’re used to, have an increase in the difficulty and amount of their academics, and so much more. They’re going to have to start waking up for school, getting ready and dressed for school when they haven’t had to do it for months. This is a huge change for their brain and nervous system! Make sure they are processing input and interpreting stress to their best ability by getting them checked and measured by a pediatric chiropractor. Read below for tips on what you can do to decrease stress and demand in our children to promote adaptability.
Moms & Dads
No matter the weight of your role during this season, you WILL be forced to adapt to hundreds of changes: changes in schedules, changes in responsibilities, even changes in routes to work! Don’t wait until you’re drowning in overwhelm from an inability to adapt to changes. Read below for different things you can do to make sure you’re staying a float.
Listen here you gorgeous loving teacher, you have been called to this beautiful profession for a reason. There is no doubt that you have one of the most beautiful jobs on the planet. It is also one of the most stressful jobs which requires you to continuously adapt to changes. You’re forced to adapt you your many students’ changing home life reflected in their academics, the administration throwing changes your way, events, birthdays (oh dear birthdays), your curriculum, and your own personal life, just to name a few. You NEED to make sure you take care of your nervous system and that you have a cleared foundation from which to live. Don’t wait until you’re constantly in survival mode, barely making it to the classroom on time to your messy desk before you realize “something needs to change”. Read down below for some things you can do.
School Administrators
As a school administrator, the back to school season can be one of the most stressful times. You’re required to bend and turn with the changes of staff, students and parents. You start getting ready for the season far more in advance than anyone else! It’s your job to confront challenges head on. You are the spine of your school, for without you, the school would collapse as the human body would without a spine. Your health and your ability to adapt to stressors is fundamental in the success of so many around you. Make sure to get yourself checked by a chiropractor to make sure your brain is at its optimal capacity to adapt to everyday life.
1. Get checked regularly by a chiropractor whose goal is to clear your nervous system of interference. This allows your brain to better interpret and process signals from the outside world.
2. Increase predictability throughout the day to decrease levels of demand. Create checkpoints of predictable events (ie. drive to school, morning break, lunch, afternoon break, early evening break, dinner, bath time)
3. Incorporate moments of intentional rest and intentional release. For example if a child seems fidgety at their desk they would benefit from a physical output of stress. For this child it would be great to get outside and run around! Intentional rest could be something like tactile play (play dough), deep breaths with eyes closed, creating something (painting, drawing) or listening to music and dancing.
4. Completely step outside of the space you’re occupying and name one thing you can touch, see, smell, taste hear. For example, stepping outside of the classroom or office for 5 minutes.
If there is a specific question you’d like to ask regarding any of the information above, please do not hesitate to reach out to We love to hear from you and give you the appropriate tools to help you be successful during this season.